Eligibility for the various categories of membership is as follows:-
Full Members:
i. Qualified Dietitians – any person who is currently holder of a degree or a post-graduate diploma in Dietetics recognized by Health Professions Council (Dietitian Board) of United Kingdom, the American Dietetic Association, the Canadian Dietetic Association, the British Dietetic Association and the Australia Dietetic Association for full membership or equivalent.
ii. Qualified Nutritionist – any person who is the holder of a degree (baccalaureate, master, doctoral) awarded by a university or other institution recognized by the Association majoring either dietetics or nutrition.
Nutritionist | Dietitian |
Providing nutrition services including public health nutrition, community health and tertiary education related to nutrition, but excluding individual dietary counseling, group therapy and medical nutrition therapy. | Advising individuals and groups on nutritional-related matters. They also modify diets to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart-disease, cancers, gastro-intestinal diseases, food allergies and intolerances, and overweight and obesity, based on professional skills acquired from clinical. |
Associate Members:
Any person who is the holder of a degree in food science, food service management, home economic or medicine.
Student Members
Any student enrolled in a dietetic/nutrition program in a regionally accredited college or university.
Overseas Members
An person who meets the following criteria may apply for membership as Overseas Members:
- He/She holds the same qualifications as a Full Member; and
- He/She resides outside Hong Kong for more than 6 months in a fiscal year of the Association.
Honorary Members
Any person who has made a notable contribution to the field of nutrition and dietetics may be admitted to the Association as an Honorary Member upon invitation of the council members.
Retired Members
Only by request from full members
Membership fee (HK$)
Application fee (HK$)
Fulfill of CE points requirement for renewal
Nutritionist (N)
Dietitian (D)
Associate (A)
Not applicable
Overseas (O)
Not applicable
Student (S)
Not applicable
Retired (R)
Not applicable