Instruction of registration


Thank you for your interest in joining HKNA. The process time for membership application is around 6-8 weeks upon providing all necessary information including the verification of your qualification. Please follow the steps below to facilitate the process.

  1. Complete the online form.
  2. Upload all relevant documents (e.g. Professional Certificates, Transcripts, Student Cards and Membership Cards) in JPG or PDF format.
  3. Select the membership category carefully. Please click here to check the eligibility for the various categories of membership and the corresponding fee. The fees are not refundable if applicant wish to change category in the future.
  4. Settle application and membership fee by PayPal or bank transfer (extra 7-14 working days is needed)
  5. Receive email from HKNA and follow the procedures for document verification. Kindly note that it is necessary to verify the qualification document(s) within 3 months after submitting the application . Re-application of membership is needed after the deadline for verification, while the application and membership fee will not be refunded. 
  6. Qualification document(s) (e.g. Professional Certificates, Transcripts, Student Cards and Membership Cards) in TRUE COPIES should be verified by one of our HKNA standing council members OR by Home Affairs Department in which applicants bring the true copies to request declaration service. In some special cases, HKNA accepts documents being sent directly from the concerned universities or organizations as verified document. Send the verified proof in JPG or PDF format to once ready.
  7. Once application is approved, applicants will receive email notification from HKNA for membership activation.


I agree and read the instruction & Personal Info Collection Statement (PICS).